Weighing Your Options: The Most Effective Weight Loss Options (That Don’t Include Surgery!)

Weight loss options

Nearly half of all Americans say that they want to lose weight. Many of them have no idea how to start working toward their weight loss goals, though.

Are you a dietitian or health coach looking for new and effective weight loss options for your clients? Do you want to avoid having them undergo major surgery?

The good news is that there are lots of tools and techniques you can use to help your clients lose weight without resorting to surgery.

Read on to learn more about them so you can decide which options are the right fit for your clients.

Dietary Changes

Changing their diet is one of the first places people need to start when it comes to losing weight (and keeping it off).

Many people claim to eat healthfully (even though only one in 10 Americans actually eats the recommended number of fruits and vegetables each day) but don’t have a clear definition of what that means.

Working with a nutritional coach to change their diet and stick to those dietary changes long-term can make a big difference.

The specific diet that a person needs to follow can vary quite a bit. However, most people who are focusing on weight loss do best on a diet that is high in protein and high in fiber.

Protein and fiber are both satiating nutrients that promote fullness and help clients avoid giving in to their cravings.

Regular Exercise

Along with eating a healthy, lower-calorie diet that is high in protein and fiber, clients are also more likely to lose weight if they exercise on a regular basis. Regular exercise helps people to burn more calories and reach their health and weight loss goals sooner.

Any kind of exercise can be beneficial to clients who are working to lose weight. Strength training, however, is especially important.

Strength training promotes muscle growth. Research shows that the more muscle an individual has, the faster their metabolism will be. This, in turn, allows them to burn more calories during their workouts and at rest.

When a client’s metabolism is faster, it’s easier for them to maintain their weight loss long-term, too.

Intermittent Fasting

In order to lose weight, your clients need to eat in a caloric deficit. It can be hard for them to stick to a caloric deficit if they’re eating at all hours of the day and night. This is where intermittent fasting comes in handy.

Intermittent fasting involves shortening the amount of time a person spends eating each day. For example, they may only eat for an eight-hour period, from 9 am to 5 pm, then fast until 9 am the next.

By shortening their eating window to an eight-hour period, many people naturally eat less without having to think too much about it.

Stress and Sleep Management

If a client has a high-stress lifestyle and doesn’t get good quality sleep each night, it’s going to be harder for them to stay on track with their diet and lose weight.

Stress and poor sleep both limit people’s willpower. They also increase your clients’ cravings for high-calorie, high-sugar foods.

Working with your clients on managing their stress with practices like meditation and yoga can work wonders. Getting their sleep in check with good sleep hygiene practices (no screens before bed, caffeine only in the mornings, etc.) is helpful, too.

Improved Gut Health

It’s important to consider your clients’ gut health, too.

If a person’s gut microbiome (the good and bad bacteria that live in the intestinal tract) is unbalanced, it may be harder for them to lose weight and reach their goals.

Their body may not metabolize food as quickly as it ought to, for example, or they may be more prone to bloating and holding onto water.

If this is the case for your client, supplementing with high-quality probiotics may help. They may also need to look at eliminating certain foods that can be problematic for the bacteria in the gut microbiome, such as gluten and sugar.

Fat-Burning Supplements

There are a lot of fat-burning supplements that are useless or even dangerous. At the same time, though, there are some effective ones that you may want to recommend to your clients. These include the following:


Caffeine is a stimulant that helps to promote feelings of alertness. It can give your clients an extra energy boost and make it easier for them to push through their workouts. It also acts as a mild appetite suppressant.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea extract has the potential to help speed up the body’s fat-burning processes. It may also be beneficial to those who have a lot of body fat in their abdominal area.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia cambogia extract contains a compound known as hydroxycitric acid. Hydroxycitric acid may help to block citric acid lyase, an enzyme that promotes fat production.

Anti-Craving Medication

In addition to fat-burning supplements and probiotics, some people require other medications and supplements to help them stay on track with and see results from their diet.

Behavioral modification is a great first step toward weight loss, but it might not be sufficient for everyone. For these people, an anti-craving medication like UnCraveRx can work wonders.

These FDA-approved pills help to minimize cravings and make it easier for clients to stick to the healthy diet their coach has laid out for them. They’re an added boost that can kickstart weight loss and help people see longer-lasting results.

Try These Weight Loss Options with Your Clients Today

As you can see, there are lots of effective weight loss options you may want to recommend to your nutrition and health coaching clients.

For some people, good old-fashioned diet and exercise work wonders. Others need a bit of a boost to help them reach their weight loss goals, though.

For your clients who fall into this latter category, consider the options listed above, including UnCraveRx.

Contact us today to learn more about UnCraveRx or to get the training necessary to start providing it to your clients.

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